Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Decor

As I strolled through our neighborhood this week, I recognized that a tipping point has been reached.  While in years past, a few home-owners have put up Halloween decorations, this year there is an abundance.  Nearly as many homes are prepped for Halloween as we will see decorated with Christmas lights in a couple of months.  I understand the concerns fellow Christians have about the practice of Halloween in its current form.  But, since we live in an area with lots of families, we have made it our habit to be home with buckets of candy on October 31st, to be a light on a dark night, I suppose.  Our decorations consist mainly of carved pumpkins leading up to the door.

While I doubt the proliferation of fake headstones and skeletons is evidence that my neighbors are becoming occultists, it makes me wonder about the importance people attach to Halloween as a celebration of the macabre.  The investment of effort and money says something.  I am just not sure what.  The situation leads me to one of those hypothetical inquiries into what an alien culture would think if they were to observe our Halloween practices.

And the saints that used to be remembered on All Hallow's Eve probably wonder, too.

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