Saturday, January 19, 2013

Drinking Buddies

Perhaps my experience is unusual, but I detest the occasional after hours social function.  Leaving aside the fact that my best waking hours during the week are already spent at work, the fact remains that the events themselves leave me uninspired.

Here's why.  Work socials throw people together who may have years of history together or only a few days, which creates natural barriers to interpersonal engagement.  I would be delighted to discuss religion and politics.  Those topics are definitely taboo.  Everyone has a family of origin or their own progeny or both, yet discussion of those vital relationships is usually limited to brief introductions.

So, what do people talk about?  Conversation revolves around boasting, gossip, and drink.  As the evening progresses, the more bold the boasting, the nastier the gossip, the more elaborate the details of alcoholic beverages consumed and consequent outlandish actions.  Either people fake their pleasure extremely well, or they truly enjoy these times much more than I.

While absorbed in one such event recently, I was reminded of nothing so much as these verses in Isaiah 5:
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
And clever in their own sight!
Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine
And valiant men in mixing strong drink.

Yet, in the swamp of trivial conversation, I always sense a need for simple affirmation.  People want to feel that their lives matter, are interesting and fun.  When family or children do come up, I can interject something to convey the joy I find in mine.  This is so seemingly unusual that it often brings to light the desire someone else has for similar closeness or regrets for missed opportunities.  An unplanned moment of reality and truth breaks into the dark.  Then, I understand again why I need to overcome my natural reluctance.  Simply being available.  It matters.  

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