Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's A Man Thing

After years of being the lone male in the household, I now have the pleasure of regular manly company with the frequent visits of my son-law and grandson (along with my daughter and granddaughter, of course).

Having been a boy once, but never having the experience of raising a boy, I am finding out some splendid things by having my grandson over so frequently.  One is that we 'get' each other in a primal way.  That is, we understand the pleasure of simplicity that often eludes encounters with the opposite sex.  Let me say right off that the complexity of femininity is not something I want to give up, it is just that guys relate at a different level.  Perhaps 'relate' is too strong a word.  That implies some purposeful interaction.  Male bonding is more like awareness or co-existance.  Especially if we have eaten recently. Why disrupt peaceful digestion?  Although my son-in-law and I will occasionally use post meal time to solve all the world's problems, as men often do in their spare time.  If only we were in charge...

At long last,
we have conquered
the 'monster'.
While Charles could spend all his time at our house under the smothering attention his bigger sister enjoys from the aunties, he has shown a marked preference for hanging out with Grandpa.  As soon as he darkens the door, he toddles my way on his less-than-2-year-old legs with his arms held up in an unmistakable request.  And I like this.  Because, you see, when I am with Charles, I don't have to keep up with the limitless capacity for banter that my daughters and grand-daughter exhibit.  Charles and I are both quite satisfied with the grunt-and-point method of communication.  Most of the time, we just walk around looking at stuff in the house or the yard: pictures, plants, the cats.  Occasionally we spend time on the play set going down the slide or swinging.  Or, we may kick or toss a ball around.  Or, most recently, ride the vacuum.

Now the aunties frequently swing by and offer to take Charles off my hands.  As they have been - and still are - the target of much parenting in these  formative years, they are eager to test-drive their own child management skills.  However, Charles almost always refuses to budge.  Which, quite naturally, warms my proud grandpa heart.  Because, you see, this is unforced affection.  No 'give Grandpa a hug' coaching necessary.  He just likes me.  Maybe because I have tamed the vacuum cleaner, but there is no way to know.  One thing is certain.  I am going to enjoy each moment.

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