These sultry days of late summer bring out spiders. I know that. It happens every year. The local BIG brown spider (sorry, no specie specifics) starts stringing webs from our eaves around dusk to catch their nightly meal. I have learned to share the property with these fascinating web architects during their short season. There are just a handful of locations they use, and once established will be there every night for a few weeks, patiently constructing their webs. Where they are the rest of the year is a mystery that I probably do not want to unravel.
My noble 'live and let live' attitude towards spiders is a facade, however, for the deeper aversion most people feel towards these eight-legged creatures. I was out on my morning jog recently and IT happened. I plowed into the gauzy, clingy strands of an unseen web to the tune of that faint crackling noise of snapping web threads. Instantly, I started flailing to get the fragments off, but uppermost in my mind was the question: WHERE IS THE SPIDER????? To early morning commuters passing by, I must have appeared to be having a seizure of some kind as I beat at my head, shoulders and arms in a frenzy. Then, much to my relief, in the yellow glow of the street light, I saw a small shadow drop to the ground and scurry away on its eight whole legs, as glad to be away from my thrashing as I was to see it go. The rest of my jog was made with an extra degree of alertness and ended without further creepy encounters. I will be glad to run in the cold of winter when the spiders are gone...
Update: In my haste to get this posted, I neglected to include a link for the inspiration for title of this post, from that delightful animated hero movie, Megamind. Arachnus Deathicus
haha, this is too funny not to laugh over!