Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Apple Formerly Known As 'CARAMEL'

Here, Dad, you can have my apple...
 There was a missions trip fund-raiser after church on Sunday.  Food is always a good fund-raiser.  (That is another discussion all by itself.)  In any case, fall is in the air and apparently the caramel apple trees have started bearing fruit, because there was a bushel of caramel apples (or some portion of a bushel) at the goodie table.  And, of course, I'm a pushover for the 'Daddy, it is for missions' line...

Sometime later, I was handed the gift pictured here.  A dubious gift, but I accepted it as well intended.  Still, I am somewhat perplexed by why my daughters can easily eat a whole apple in its natural state, but when they acquire a caramel apple, they can't. 

Of course, while they CAN'T finish the apple, they DO manage to eat all the caramel.  Is caramel THAT filling?  And why do they think I would want their apple post-caramel?  It is kinda, well, slobbery and slimy...

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