Saturday, November 17, 2012

It Happened Again

I have noticed something every morning since November 6th.  The sun has come up without fail.  Yes, I was disappointed by the results of our recent election.  A cultural tipping point was reached where people voted for more government and government-defined rights (as opposed to God-given rights).  Here in California, higher taxes were approved.  Elsewhere, voters enshrined a new 'right' of marriage for any couple of any gender combination.  Our re-elected president is truly representative of a changing America.

I tend to side with the Ron Paul.  Just give me liberty as evidenced by a much smaller, less-intrusive government.  But whether renewal of liberty ever happens in the United States of America, the future is as much in the hands of Providence as it has ever been.  If we are called to live our faith in more difficult times, we are in good company.  Whenever I am inclined to pessimism (which is often), I re-read these words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer on January 1, 1943, less than four months before he would be imprisoned by a Nazi regime that would execute him two years later:

"...some Christians think it impious for anyone to hope and prepare for a better earthly future.  They think that the meaning of the present events is chaos, disorder, and catastrophe; and in resignation or pious escapism they surrender all responsibility for reconstruction and for future generations.  It may be that the day of judgement will dawn tomorrow; in that case, we will gladly stop working for a better future.  But not before."  (Letters & Papers From Prison)

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